This is related with one of our blog, actually this is my side of the story (Aj). Basically this is a timeline of our life like what's happening, what happened and what will happen in the future... this is so gonna be forever!! (so happy!)
The dates here are the important events in our life:
March 2007: Met in a dating site called Dateinasia. We started chatting a lil, exchanging emails once in a while since both of us have erratic work schedule, so it was like a hit and miss thing. But crazy as it may seem, I felt or rather we felt that there was an instant connection between us. I can say that until now we still have that weird thing going on between us... we are so much alike.. we think alike at almost the same time, we always joke about it that we are soul mates... :)
April-May 2007: Continued to communicate (chats, emails, phone calls)... a lil hinting/flirting here and there :) trying to get to know each other well...
June 6, 2007: Finally! after forever!! hehehe... someone got the courage to pop the question.. Scott asked me if I want to be his girlfriend (durh) of course I gave him my sweet yes. I really felt so happy at that time, felt like a teeners again, ya know.. butterflies in my tummy, blushing, sweaty hands and all...
Oct.29-Nov.6 2007: Yeah finally! This is d-day! after long months of waiting, we finally met in person. I was so excited to see him! I was in the airport waiting for him and I was like.. "is this for real?! am I really gonna meet and see this guy, my bf?! and so there he was, in his white shirt and shorts...smelling like an old Chinese ointment.. :) But i hugged him anyway and we kissed and it felt like this was just so right. Mind you, i had a froggy voice (so much for the first impression, huh!) I was sick and coughing like crazy all the time but that didn't stop us from having a great time. We spent time with my family and friends. We also went to Pueto Galera and stayed there for a few days. We took tons of pictures, some nice and some goofy, all unforgettable. It's so hard to say goodbye, our only saving grace is that we will meet again in a few months.
Feb 8-18 2007: He's back for the 2nd time but this time, this trip was kinda different, it was a lil sad on my part because i have to undergo surgery (doctors detected a cyst on my left ovary and had to remove it) but I'm also happy that I'll see my scootchie again but we have to cancel most of our plans. We just ended up in the hotel for the first few days then went to the hospital for my surgery, we stayed there for 4 days then after that we went to our place in Cavite for the rest of his stay. But altogether, I was really happy and thankful that he was here for me. I can say that beside my parents he was the source of my strength, he always made me feel good, always trying to make me laugh, when i probably shouldn't. He was there for me all the time, he never left my side even for a sec.., he always made sure everything is OK with me, always giving the nurses and the resident doctors a hard time if he thinks that what they are doing wasn't good enough.. (poor them). My mom was thankful too, he really was a big help for us, in all aspect esp. emotional aspect. He really is a great guy.. a God's gift to me and I will forever love him.
*Feb 9, 2007: His birthday. We went out to celebrate some and guess what happened?!......... he proposed..aaww.. well.. this time..I'm not gonna give the full details, I'll leave that part somewhat private for us.. :) He also talked to my parents and told them about our future plans and everything went well.. they gave us their blessings..
April 15-22 2007: Back again for the 3rd time.. weeeheeee!! This trip is different too, but in a nice sense. We didn't plan on anything in particular. We tried to play it by the ear. Which in short means we did nothing but enjoy each others company. Well, we planned on something... (too private to tell) *wink* *wink*
well.. that's it so far.. I'll update this blog from time to time so keep checking!! to be continued...oh and I'll let scott explain all the imigration stuff in another blog, till next time.